Explore Glendale’s best multi-engine training programs, designed to prepare future aviators for successful careers in Aviation.
Explore the science behind commercial flight altitudes, including why planes cruise at 35,000 feet, in this engaging read.
Gain valuable insights for flying a small plane, including pre-flight tips, in-flight safety, and post-landing basics for beginners.
Learn why flying is statistically safer than driving and uncover the facts behind the safety of air travel in this informative article.
Discover tips for choosing the best flight school in Arizona to kickstart your aviation journey with confidence and success.
Chair flying is a powerful training tool that aspiring commercial pilots can use to build muscle memory, master procedures, and sharpen their decision-making skills – all before ever setting foot in a real cockpit.
Many people dream of being pilots but are not familiar with the different types of airlines and airline businesses. If you are thinking about flight
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Everyone dreads these words, “license and registration please,” while you’re being pulled over. You reluctantly open your glove compartment and look down to see that your license has expired. Oops!
The lifeblood of a good pilot is good discipline. To be a great pilot, you need great discipline. Order | Checklists | Procedures | Habits | A touch of Obsessiveness. “We get good at what we do through repetition. What we do often – eventually becomes a habit – good OR bad.” A Rear Admiral […]
The Boeing Company estimates that America will need 30,000 new pilots each year for the next 20 years, at least. Air travel is soaring to new heights—2018 set new records for passengers. As they fill up planes, airports are working on adding more flights and the airlines more destinations. The problem is the industry is […]