Biennial Flight Review
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Take your Biennial Flight Review with Leopard Aviation Flight School at one of our two convenient locations, Scottsdale or Mesa, AZ.
The time for your BFR – Biennial Flight Review – is here. We’re here to facilitate your BFR with convenient hours – we work on your schedule. Let us know when you’re ready to schedule your biennial flight review.
To keep your license current, the FAA requires a biennial flight review with a Certified Flight Instructor – CFI every 24 months.
The FAA requirement for your Flight Review is to complete a minimum of one hour of ground instruction and one hour of flight instruction. There is no pass or fail for this review, however, depending on your recent flight experience, more flight or ground training may be necessary.
You can prepare for a biennial flight review by reviewing the aeronautical knowledge requirements in CFR § 61.56 and relevant regulations in part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
Your Certified Flight Instructor will ask you to perform maneuvers and procedures that are necessary to demonstrate the safe exercise of the privileges of the pilot certificate held.
There are exemptions to the Flight Review. Earning additional ratings and certificates is one method. Another way to get exemption is to satisfactorily accomplished one or more phases of an FAA-sponsored pilot proficiency award program. To see the complete list of exemptions to taking your flight review, click here.
Click to call us 1.833.FLY.KSDL to talk to a Certified Flight Instructor who can shed light on your personal situation, or feel free to send us an email by filling out the form to your right to learn more about your BFR options.